Homes for Everyone

Goal B: All residents of Metro Boston have places to live that meet their needs, and that they can afford.

All residents of Metro Boston have places to live that meet their needs, and that they can afford.

In 2050, people who live in the region, and those who move here, can find homes that suit their needs and incomes. Residents don’t fear being priced out of their neighborhoods. Families of every size can choose from a range of housing types. As their needs change, residents can find reasonably priced options where they hope to live, including in their current neighborhoods. No one is steered toward or away from any community because of their race, ethnicity, faith, disability, or other attributes. New homes are integrated into neighborhoods close to jobs, shopping, schools, food, health care, recreation, and transportation. Owners preserve older homes, which includes making them more accessible and energy efficient. New homes are built and designed to meet the needs of a range of residents, including families with children, older adults, and people with disabilities.

  1. Everyone has a home; homelessness is essentially nonexistent.

  2. Available housing meets the needs of residents throughout their lifetime as they form families, age, and experience unforeseen circumstances.

  3. New housing is built primarily in walkable neighborhoods that have easy access to the goods, services, public transportation, and amenities needed in daily life; enough new housing units are built in all communities to help moderate prices and meet the needs of our growing economy and population.

  4. New and existing housing, including deed-restricted units and naturally occurring affordable housing, are available at a range of prices that correspond to residents' income levels.

  5. Households with extremely low incomes are able to find housing they can afford, with rental assistance providing support to those who qualify.

  6. Communities welcome new residents and have enacted policies and programs that avert displacement resulting from rent increases, evictions, condo conversions, foreclosures, and loss of deed-restricted housing.

  7. People have access to credit and counseling that allows them, if they wish, to buy suitable homes in locations they desire, including in or near the communities where they work.

  8. Neighborhoods more closely reflect the racial and income diversity of the region; residents can choose their community based on preference and opportunity, without being limited by historic segregation patterns throughout the region.

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