Getting Around the Region

Goal A: Traveling around Metro Boston is safe, affordable, convenient, and enjoyable.

Traveling around Metro Boston is safe, affordable, convenient, and enjoyable.

In 2050, the ways we get around are reliable, adequately-funded, and well maintained. Travel is safe, efficient, pleasant, and affordable to all households regardless of income. New transportation technologies and services operate on our roads, underground, and on the water. These new travel options help to alleviate congestion and pollution, rather than adding to it. Public transit and shared trips are often more convenient and affordable than solo trips. Auto congestion still exists, but it is predictable and avoidable. People with mobility limitations and those without a car can get around easily, and can afford to do so. Low-income residents and residents of color enjoy high quality transit to more parts of the region, improving access to opportunity. People of all ages walk or bike more frequently for short trips, because conditions make that option safe and enjoyable. The transportation system has a minimal impact on the local and global environment, with reduced pollution and runoff, and less land set aside for roadways and parking.

  1. Transit infrastructure is well-maintained and funded, and its capacity is greatly expanded through the improvement of existing service and the strategic addition of new service so that daily travel is convenient, pleasant, and reliable. The transit system provides more opportunity for circumferential travel throughout the region and reverse commutes between the Inner Core and suburbs.

  2. The transportation system is designed and operated to ensure access to opportunity for everyone, with a particular emphasis on neighborhoods historically underserved by high quality transit.

  3. Local land use policies and new development support increased mobility by encouraging concentrated growth around transit and the services people need.

  4. Bicycle, pedestrian, and other personal mobility infrastructure is safe, extensive, high quality, and linked to other modes, so that people frequently use active transportation as a preferred mode of travel.

  5. Transportation options in the region are net zero for carbon emissions, contributing to improved air quality and reducing negative climate impacts.

  6. Public and active transportation options are affordable for those least able to pay.

  7. All modes of transportation, including innovative technologies, are safely integrated resulting in few transportation-related injuries and zero fatalities annually.

  8. State and local governments work together with businesses and property owner and advocates to create seamless travel throughout the region, including “first mile, last mile” connections.

Last updated