Community Plans

Community Planning for Social Environments

Community Plans set long-term goals and guide decision-making. Because these documents establish a vision for the future, they can be a very powerful tool in shaping the health of a community

  • There is strong evidence that access to natural settings in neighborhoods and during people’s daily routines improves and maintains mental health and wellbeing and can encourage increased physical activity. i

  • There is growing evidence for the relationship between green and cultural spaces and the building of social networks. ii

  • This relationship can be leveraged by fostering accessible parks, recreational programming, and public art that encourage bonding and bridging capital through community plans.

  • A Comprehensive Plan (Learn more about Comprehensive Plans) can chart a path for a municipality’s development amidst changing social, economic and environmental conditions.

    • Numerous elements impact social environment, key among them are the sections focuses on open space and recreation (Learn more about Open Space and Recreation Plans) and cultural resources. These sections provide an inventory of recreational and resources and open space and the significant natural, cultural and historic resources of a municipality. They represent the long-term vision for how these places and spaces are protected and managed.

  • There are a wide variety of additional plans that communities adopt, including Greenway Plan, Bike and/or Pedestrian Plan, that have implications for creating safe and active streets that encourage social interaction (Learn more about Planning for Active Transportation)

Inclusive Community Plan Checklist

Below are some best practices to consider:


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