Production & Preservation

Mechanisms: Financing affordable and supportive housing, inclusionary zoning, residential zoning

Zoning and financing tools can help communities produce and preserve diverse housing options that can enable people to remain within communities, or move to communities, of our choice throughout the continuum of life.

Residential zoning dictates not only the type of housing (e.g. single-family, apartments, etc.) it also dictates the dimensions of that housing. Over reliance on one type of housing, particularly detached single-family homes, can make it challenging for people to find a home that meets their needs. Similarly, overly restrictive zoning requirements around lot sizes or housing dimensions can make it difficult to build lower-cost housing options.

The cost of housing (rent or mortgage payments), property taxes, and routine upkeep of these homes can result in high housing cost burdens, especially for those on a fixed income. Single-family housing environments also provide poor access to services, social networks, and transportation for those without access to a vehicle. Across any housing type, lack of accessible features in the home can undermine the safety and mobility of older adults and people with disabilities.

Both homeowners and renters face housing cost challenges in a state where, in many regions, home values and rents have steadily increased to well above recession era levels. According to UMass Boston’s Elder Index, single older adults in Massachusetts are among the most economically insecure in the country due to the high cost of housing and lack of housing choice. i

New housing production and housing stock diversity can help alleviate some affordability concerns by supporting lower-cost housing through smaller lot sizes, mixed-use development and multifamily housing (e.g., missing middle housing, accessory dwelling units, duplexes, rowhomes or larger multifamily developments). However, it is also critical to produce and preserve housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income households. Use of subsidies can remove barriers to and increase the funding for affordable housing.


Financing Affordable and Supportive HousingInclusionary ZoningResidential ZoningIdentifying Next Steps

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i Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston Elder Index:

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