Step 2 : Request to Pay / Receipts
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Quick link to form:
If you've followed along with the instructions above for Check POs Over $1500 or Check POs Under $1500, you should now have a signed PO. If you have not yet completed all these steps, go back to step one and review the documentation for Credit Card POs.
Now that you have approval to make the purchase, you can provide the PO to the vendor if needed, and request that they process the order as it was approved. You will need an invoice from the vendor in order to submit a Request to Pay form.
Requestor Name
The person requesting the purchase (You in most cases).
Requestor Email
Your MAPC email address.
Vendor Name
The vendor through which the purchase will be made.
Vendor Full Address
Vendors address as listed on the invoice. May be labeled as 'Make check payable to' or 'Remit to'.
Purchase Description
A brief description of the purchase, You can use the same description as on your PO.
Invoice Amount
The total amount listed on the invoice. Should match PO amount and not include sales tax.
Charge Code(s)
The charge code(s) your purchase will be charged to.
Purchase Order
The purchase order number located on the top right corner of your completed PO.
Payment terms, such as 'Net 30'.
Mail Check / Return Check to Requestor
Check one depending on your needs.
Return By
The date the vendor expects payment by. May be labeled as 'Return By' on the invoice.
An optional space to fill in any additional information that might be useful to the signers or in the future.
Once you've entered this information, click on Submit & Sign at the bottom right. You will then be prompted to upload additional documentation.
Use the Click Here to Upload buttons to upload your invoice, signed PO, and any additional documentation you'd like to include. Only the invoice and PO are required. Once you've uploaded your documents, click Continue.
You will then be asked to provide a signature, same as with the PO. Enter your information, check the box to agree so sign, then click Apply Signature.
Once applied, you'll have one more chance to modify the RTP form. Once you've confirmed everything is correct, click Finalize & Submit.
You will then be prompted to enter your Department Manager / Director, who will then be sent the form to sign.
Once finished, click the Continue button to submit your RTP for signing. Once signed by person specified in the previous step, the RTP will be submitted to accounting for payment automatically.
Request to Pay:
Once you’ve gotten your approvals and need to request payment of a purchase (once an invoice is received, e.g.) you will fill out the new Request to Pay form. Completion of this short form will trigger our Finance department to make --the payment (aka cut the check). We highly suggest creating a Seamless visitor account to complete this request to pay:
Two attachments are required to submit this form.
Your proof that payment in requested
Usually, this will be an invoice. Sometimes, it is a contract. Most importantly, it must clearly state how much the item or service costs and explicitly state that we are being asked to pay that amount (which a quote alone does not). Please consult Sheila or Cassie for specific questions about what constitutes a proof of payment.
Your approval
The most common form of approval is the Purchase Order (from Step 1). You should be able to find this in your email, as you received a copy when the PO was completed. It would come from SeamlessDocs <> and will have the subject that includes the vendor name, the PO number and the word "completed”.